Hi, I’m Patricia!

I’m the proud mama of two amazing toddlers. One girl, my three-year-old Adrina and my very wiggly, one-and-a-half-year-old son, Lincoln.

Patricia Johnson
Mom and researcher

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Hey there!

My name is Patricia Johnson and I’m the incredibly blessed, proud mama of two amazing toddlers. One girl, Adrina, who is a shy but loveably bossy three-year-old and a very wiggly, super active one-and-a-half-year-old boy named Lincoln. I’m the kind of mom you might catch in fashion-forward high heels one day and climbing a tree the next! Look, I hiked a mountain at eight months pregnant so being active in nature whenever possible is pretty much my jam. I love giving my kids opportunities for adventures outside as opposed to sitting them in front of a television. And believe me, that’s a hard task some days as a stay-at-home-working mother!

Best Travel Pillows

Momma realness

So, I’m gonna be real with you. Being a mom is the biggest honor of my life, but it has its challenges and I believe in being transparent. You see a lot of mothers living in these perfect little squares online but what about the messes, the trials, and the diaper blowouts?! I remember one morning being exhausted and running late to church in a braid from the day before because I couldn’t find my brush. Adrina spit out grape juice all over her white sweater (this was the biggest tragedy because stains are my nemesis) and Lincoln already had me up since 6:30 a. m. because he was sure that was the ideal time to play. This labor of love can be soul-sucking, but you know what? We got through that mess like we always do, with plenty of laughter, cuddles and lots of snacks. You must always have snacks, by the way, it’s a rule!

Best Travel Pillows

My two babies out in the wild

And I gotta tell ya, motherhood is FULL of decisions from what kind of diaper should you buy to what Montessori you want to be waitlisted for! Even though I consider myself an avid yet savvy shopper, (I really dig a good bargain) reducing my carbon footprint when buying the things my family needs is paramount. With two munchkins in diapers, albeit the oldest is potty-training, I thought the best option was to buy cheaper brands. Not only did I end up spending more, the less expensive brands do a number on the environment. And while I’d love to be that amazingly organized and dedicated cloth diapering mama, it just wasn’t for me. I was on the hunt for the BEST luxury disposable diaper option with the least impact on the environment. And boy did I do my research. To love me, is to know I do my homework and I’m sharing my notes with you!

Best Travel Pillows

Catching some of the last Summer sunshine

Thanks for reading!

I’m the proud mama of two amazing toddlers. One girl, my three-year-old Adrina and my very wiggly, one-and-a-half-year-old son, Lincoln.